Tom’s Perpsectives

May 2018 - Jul 2018
I went and saw the new Left Behind movie called Vanished: Left Behind – Next Generation on September 28, 2016 at a local movie theater. The movie was shown at about 500 theaters across America and included a live hook-up discussion before and after the movie. The focus of the movie is said to be “a tailor-made adventure for today's teens, tweens, and other fans of the popular young adult genre.” ...
Probably the best conclusion to this type of study would be a listing of those passages of infallible revelation which set forth the doctrine of the imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Leon Wood (Is the Rapture Next? pp. 29ff.) recognized two groups of Scriptural passages, those having to do with watching and those with hoping...
Passage: Joshua 21:43-45
I have on more than one occasion heard Bible teacher Chuck Missler say that there is only one piece of real estate on planet earth where God has specifically said that it belongs to a specific people and that is Israel. Yet, that specified land is the most contested on the entire planet. This is true because God has spoken specifically on the matter. The fact that God’s clear Word is contested by so many means that Satan is behind such a consensus...
Historically there have been three basic positions when it comes to the issue of the millennium and when it will occur in relation to Christ’s return to planet earth. First, there is premillennialism, which is the oldest of the three and teaches that Jesus returns before He reigns for a thousand years on earth with His saints...
Postmillennialism is the belief that Christ will return after the millennium. Thus, the name "post" (after) millennial (1,000). All postmillennialists believe that the current age is the kingdom, while some believe that the millennial phase of the kingdom is present and others hold that it is yet future when the world has been Christianized...