Tom’s Perpsectives

May 2018 - Jul 2018
In August, 2008 I received an e-mail from the Oxford Union Society in England wanting to know if I would participate in a debate concerning the following motion: "This house believes the end is nigh." After consulting with some friends and colleagues, I accepted the invitation and the event was scheduled for Friday, November 21, 2008. I subsequently journeyed across the pond and attended this event hoping to provide some testimony for the cause of Christ. Thus, I am providing a report of my trip to such a prestigious environment.,,
Gary DeMar is a longtime protagonist against dispensational theology, especially in the area of eschatology or end-time theology. DeMar is an advocate of the following viewpoints: a Reconstructionist, kingdom now, postmillennialist, partial preterist, Israel has no national future, replacement theologian. In other words, someone who is the polar opposite of what I believe the Bible teaches in these areas...
The last few years have witnessed the rise of anti-Israel activism within Evangelicalism in the United States. Liberals within Christendom have pretty much always been anti-Israel, choosing instead to support the terrorism of the recently invented people called “Palestinians.” ...
Some people contend that modern Jews do not have the blood of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in their veins. They contend that modern Jews, whether in or out of the land of Israel have no genetic basis from which to claim that they are Jews, let alone the chosen descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Some say that since they are not true Jews then they are not descendants of those who were scattered across the globe in A.D. 70 then they cannot return to what they never really left, which is the land of Israel. Is this true or just another effort to disinherit God’s ancient chosen people? ...
An important question that many Christians often ask is "Are we living in the last days or end times?" When people ask me this question, I usually respond with a clear "Yes and No!" Such an answer requires an explanation. My explanation is that the Bible uses such terminology in multiple ways, so that some references do refer to our own day, while others do not...