Tom’s Perpsectives

May 2018 - Jul 2018
When one sits back and contemplates the great truths contained in God’s plan for history as revealed in the Bible, it is truly amazing to contemplate such reality. A partial list would include the following: God’s creation out of nothing; God’s creation of angels and their role in history; man’s fall into sin; Noah’s Ark and the Flood; the tower of Babel; the call of Abraham; the Exodus and foundation of the nation of Israel; the up-and-down history of Israel, Christ’s first coming; His death, resurrection, and ascension; the founding of the church; and Christ’s promise to return to take His bride to heaven with Him at the rapture. These real, historical events are greater than any fictional account that the most creative moviemaker could conceive...
Why is the world so interested and focused upon Jerusalem? There are a lot of different reasons at the moment. There are social, political, economic, and let’s not forget the religious importance. Whatever the individual reasons, Jerusalem is constantly in the news and at the center of the world’s attention...
Passage: Revelation 12
It is amazing to me what is increasingly passing today as Bible prophecy teaching. In most cases it has nothing to do with the Bible, and when they use the Bible it is too often twisted and turned into something the Bible really does not say. Someone said recently to me that too many “prophecy ministries” are like going to a UFO conference, mostly lacking in the actual teaching of the Bible but filled with speculative theories. Every couple of months some new “breakthrough” is put forth, after many, many hours of study . . . of course...
What is the prophetic future of the church? In order to deal with this matter we must first understand that the church relates in two ways to the program of God. First, the true church is made up of Jews and Gentiles who genuinely know Christ as their Savior and have their sins forgiven. Beginning on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 and continuing till the rapture, ...
Passage: Revelation
Preterists teach that the Book of Revelation is primarily a prophecy about the Roman war against the Jews in Israel that began in A.D. 67 and ended with the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70. In order for Revelation to be a prediction of the future and if it was fulfilled by August A.D. 70, then it had to have been written by A.D. 65 or 66 for the preterist interpretation to even be a possibility...