Dispensational, pretribulationists believe that the New Testament teaches that the current Church Age is unique when contrasted with previous and future dispensations. We believe that the church was always a part of God’s eternal plan or decree, but that it was a mystery, not revealed until New Testament times. Such New Testament uniqueness is one of the major reasons that support the rapture of the body of Christ at the end of this age, before the beginning of the 70th week of Daniel. Why do we believe that this is the New Testament teaching? ...
The twentieth century has been a time dominated by the outworking of one’s eschatology. In addition to the various eddies and movements within Christianity, just think of the impact that Communism and Islam had on the last hundred years. Both are corrupted forms of a Christian, postmillennial determinism. One’s view of the future has tremendous impact upon what one believes an individual should do in the present...
Passage: John 13-16
Recently I have thought a great deal about the significance that the rapture was first revealed by Christ the night before His crucifixion in John 13–16, in a message often called “The Upper Room Discourse.” Christ’s farewell discourse is only found in John’s Gospel. If Christ’s “high priestly prayer” in John 17 is included, this section of John’s Gospel (13–17) provides an introduction of church age truths, ...
On December 20, 2002 one of the giants of the church went home to be with the Lord. John F. Walvoord, theologian, writer, and teacher, seminary president, and defender of dispensational pretribulational premillennialism passed from our midst. He was 92 years old. It would not be an overstatement to say that Dr. Walvoord was the foremost proponent of pretribulationism and one of the world’s leading interpreters of Bible prophecy...
Passage: Matthew 24:14
Preterists believe that “Matthew 24:14 clearly shows that the gospel would be preached throughout the Roman Empire before Jesus returned in judgment upon Jerusalem,” insists preterist Gary DeMar. He further claims: ...